Fitness for Duty Psychological Evaluation
A Fitness for Duty psychological evaluation focuses on two questions: Is an employee psychologically ready to perform the essential functions of the job? And has an employee’s conduct demonstrated that there is a credible threat to the health or safety of the employee, coworkers, or the public, or to the facility, property, or work product of the organization?
Dr. Hall conducts a fitness for duty psychological evaluation that provides specific information about psychological fitness to perform successfully and safely on the job. Feedback is provided through a full report format and/or verbal consultation with corporate representatives. She has been called upon to provide summary findings that limit disclosure of sensitive psychological dynamics while providing the corporation with information necessary for decision making regarding an employee’s fitness.
Her comprehensive Fitness for Duty psychological evaluation focuses on Risk Management concerns. Dr. Hall identifies risk factors and protective factors that increase or decrease the likelihood that the employee under examination will or could pose a credible threat to the health or safety of the employee, others, the facility or property, or the organization’s work product.
Clinical interview that covers the current psychological condition and relevant personal, vocational, and medical history of the employee.
Psychometric assessment that employs a full battery of relevant diagnostic tools. Her basic battery includes the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), the Wahler Physical Symptoms Inventory (WPSI), the Beck Depression Inventory – II (BDI-II) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2 (MMPI-2). Other psychometric tools are added for specialty concerns such as substance abuse, attention deficit, traumatic brain injury, etc.
Review of Records relevant to the subject’s mental health status, including treatment records, court or law enforcement documents, medical records, and personnel records.
A comprehensive discussion of current psychological functioning, providing a behavioral description of social and occupational impairment and diagnosis utilizing DSM V diagnostic guidelines when appropriate. This will encompass the employee’s retrospective insight and judgment regarding any pertinent incidents that led to the evaluation as well as evaluation of his or her judgment and insight regarding past and future capability to perform essential functions of the job.
Report and/or Consultation or Testimony: a reliable and actionable assessment of the employee’s psychological readiness to perform the essential functions of the job, including an exploration of both protective and risk factors contributing to psychological readiness and recommendations for further correction action and/or workplace accommodations
Obviously, no psychological evaluator can provide predictive statements regarding future actions, violent or otherwise; however, the final report or consultation and supporting evidence that Dr. Hall supplies can provide an evidence-based analysis of risk and protective factors related to public and workplace safety.