Whatever you may have heard about PTSD, your past does not have to haunt your future.
Believe that you can get better and not what you have heard, because people with post traumatic stress are:
- Not weak – their brains have been altered by trauma memory.
- Not violent or crazy – they are alert to danger.
- Not untreatable – traumatic memories can be defused.
- Not taking funding away from others – they are entitled to leave the war behind.
- Not lying or malingering – PTSD patterns are easily identified
Plan your recovery Step #1 – Private self-screening PTSD Checklist
PTSD recovery is…
- Pursuing skills to make the past a dim memory – you are NOT less important than anyone else
- Living without fear of what could happen next – you are NOT damaged goods
- Learning to master haunting memories – you are NOT stuck forever.
Planning your recovery Step #2 – Find A Buddy Back Home
Talk with another veteran: The Vet Center
Don’t become a statistic: National Suicide Prevention Hotline
VA benefits examinations of over 6000 veterans revealed to me that many veterans are unaware of what we know about PTSD now. As a 35+ year expert in psychological trauma injury and recovery, I have written a practical, straight-forward, even blunt book, PTSD Unplugged. All the nuts and bolts about PTSD: What it is, what it isn’t, and how to leave the war behind us.

Author Background
Dr. Pamela Hall is a Forensic and Clinical psychologist, and a Subject-matter Expert in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, since 2008 working as a contract examiner in psychology for Veteran’s Administration benefits claims,.
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